Friday, May 1, 2009

Qanday qilib kinolarni tez, ko'p va foydali ko'rish (davomi)

Ko'p kino ko'radigan odamlarda umrlarining ko'p qismini bekorga o'tkazish xavfi tug'iladi. Bu xavfdan uzoq bo'lish va hattoki, xavfni foydaga aylantirib yuborish uchun quyidagi tip'chalar balki sizga foydali bo'lar:
-Tanaffusda serial ko'ring.

Kino ko'rish faoliyatingizning asosiy qismi bo'lmasin, balki uning tanaffus qismi bo'lsin. Masalan, siz ishli odam bo'lsangiz, ish paytidagi tanaffusda (ish kompyuteridan foydalanish mumkin bo'lmasa, i-pod, portable media player, shaxsiy laptopda) ko'rish mumkin. Ayniqsa, seriallarni shunday paytlarda ko'rish qulay. Demak, seriallarni tanaffus paytiga olib qo'yish mumkin.

-Eng yangi kinolardan boxabar bo'ling.

Eng yangi chiqqan filmlarni birdan ko'rib borsangiz (hozirgi kunda bu muammo emas), ko'rmagan filmlaringiz unchalik ko'p miqdorda to'planib qolmaydi. Kinoteatrlarda qo'yilmagan, yoki sizning passiv paytingizda chiqarilgan filmlarni ro'yxat bilan ko'rishni tavsiya etaman.

-Kinolardan bahra oling.

Kinolarni ketma-ket ko'raverish taxminan quyidagi natijalarga olib keladi: -kino mazmunini o'zingizga singdirishga vaqt qolmaydi; -kinolardan xulosalar chiqarolmaysiz; -kinodan bahra ololmaysiz. Shuning uchun ham har bir kinodan so'ng yuqoridagi 3ta natijaning ijobiy shakliga vaqt ajrating.

-Kinolardan ma'lumot oling.

Tematikasi o'xshash bo'lgan filmlarni ketma-ket (o'rtada tanaffus bilan albatta) ko'rish tavsiya etiladi. Masalan, tabiiy ofatlar mavzusidagi filmlar (The day after tomorrow, The Flood), ma'lum bir tarixiy voqealar haqida filmlar (The other Boleyn girl, Henry V), afera mavzusida (Catch me if you can, The Thomas Crown affair), sport mavzusidagi filmlar (Ali, The Leatherheads) va hokazo. Shunda to'liqroq va bog'liq ma'lumotlar olish ehtimoli ko'proq bo'ladi.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Qanday qilib kinolarni tez, ko'p va foydali ko'rish

Kinoman va 'wannabe' kinomanlar uchun
(Shaxsiy tajribamdan)

Birinchi qadam.
Vaqt ajratish.

Kun tartibingizda kino uchun alohida vaqt ajrating. Har kuni 1 xil vaqtga to'g'ri kelsa, rejimingizni buzmaydi.
Ayniqsa, biron kundalik yumush yoki vazifadan keyin kelsa, stimul bo'lib ham xizmat qilishi mumkin. Masalan, darslarni tayyorlab bo'lib ko'rmoqchi bo'lsangiz, tezroq tugatishga harakat qilasiz.

Ikkinchi qadam.

Filmlarni topish.

Do'stlaringiz, kursdoshlaringiz, hamkasblaringiz, forumdoshlaringizdan olishingiz mumkin, internetdan yuklab olish mumkin - uncha qiyinmas, muammo shundaki, filmlar sifatli va original tilda bo'lishi kerak.
'Nirvana' magazinlari imkoniyatingizga to'g'ri kelmasa, Abu Saxiy bozorida Superbitlarning ko'chirmalari 2500 so'mdan sotiladi, yoki Markaziy Ofitserlar Uyida joylashgan videotekaga buyurtma berishingiz mumkin (har bir kino taxminan 2-3 mingdan tushadi), Superbitlar prokatlaridan olish mumkin.

Uchinchi qadam.
Film tanlash.

To'g'ri kelgan filmni ko'raverish kinomanlarga xos emas. Tanlashga ko'p narsalar omil bo'lib xizmat qilishi mumkin.
Bu borada mana bu yerdan foydali ma'lumotlar olishingiz mumkin.
Eng yangi chiqqanlarni ko'rib borish bilan birgalikda,
-reytingi eng yuqori,

-Oskar yoki boshqa nufuzli mukofotlar olgan,

-mashhur aktyorlar o'ynagan,

-mashhur rejissorlar ishlagan,

-yoki sevimli janringizdagi filmlar
va boshqa kategoriyalar ostida filmlar tanlashingiz mumkin.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ummm, nothing to say

Don't pay attention to this writing, I'm just trying to brainstorm, cos it's a very good thing, and maybe the only thing to avoid unwriting :)
I was thinking about moving this blog to the other blogger site, or just leaving it and open another one, anyway, hi to everyone :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring inspirations (cont.)

Spring inspirations

Crazy about 'F·r·i·e·n·d·s'!!!

Yeah, totally crazy! Can't sleep not watching it, watch it over and over... :)
Well, the plot says, that 6 friends spend much time together, have fun, laugh at each other and some of them fall in love with each other. Very-very-very funny TV-series!
Recommend you watch it.
The actors also rock!
Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer.
Rate it 10 out of 10!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What's popular today???

Here is a list of actual hot tendencies, which are very popular nowadays. To be in just follow them :)

-To quickread - read quickreaders, easy-to-read-and-finish small or thin books about everything including science, literature and psychology;

-To watch sci-fi TV-series like House M.D., Lie to me, 4400, Heroes etc.;

-To keep livejournal on WWW. And to read other people's blogs as well.

-To have personal laptop and carry it everywhere :)

-To read, watch, wear and listen to everything that's retro;

-To join discussion forums on the internet and have a good time with them in real life;

-To youtube. To watch everything on youtube and upload your own video on it;

-To have a personal website devoted to something like entertainment, psychology or science.

P.S. Any other activities left?
P.P.S. The Picture belongs to
Trine Boesen named "Modern life", 2005.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eva Longoria-Parker's style

I adore Eva Longoria Parker both as a gifted actress and as a fashion icon. Whatever she wears, she does it so beautifully, doesn't she?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to be independent: Tips

Independence - what does that mean?

It doesn't mean to do what you want to do even if it's wrong, but it does mean to do what you like, what you enjoy, and be able to do it on your own and to push aside all obstacles you encounter.

Independence, or just freedom is a key word for a modern man. I mean, everybody wants to be free, and nobody can stand when someone else tries to control him. Especially in the world of democracy. And it's very usual situation for normal human-being.

But sometimes you feel as if you're not who you are, you are someone that the others creating, directing, and even using.

And here are some tips how to keep your independence:

-Don't let anyone manage you. Always be self-controlled and know measure in everything.

-Always know what you are doing and why. It helps you to build "a shield" against needless directions given by some people.

-Find a job (if you don't have one) and work hard. Financial independence is the base.

-Listen to advice, but don't take it too close.

-Remember, you have your own way of fulfilling your plans.

-But if you can't prove why you're doing something and why you're doing it in particular way, better don't start it until you find answers to those questions, otherwise you'll get lost and weak, weak enough to be manipulated.

-Develop your self-esteem. It's time you realized the value in yourself and in what you're doing.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sing and dance in Japanese! :)

Very funny song :)
I remember singing and dancing under this song once, in Business Center, yeeep :)))

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Lovely song!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Coming soon

You'll be reading about the independance, and how to maintain it in different situations. So, keep up with the new posts.

It was just an announcement. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My live signature

Hi, I just wanna check up my live signature :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snapping out of depression: continuation

The word depression is defined in Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary as "a feeling of unhappiness and lack of hope for the future".

I'm gonna be back to this definition.
Now I want to classify the depression. There are mainly 3 kinds, or stages of depression:

1) boredom. It's when you get bored of your life, don't know what to do. There's no particular problem, but you feel stressed. This kind of depression is noticed usually in teenagers and in the people who have just finished one stage of their lives. It's usually hard to get accustomed to a new lifestage. For example, from college to job stage,or from job stage to pension stage and so on. Also mid-life crisis and teenage crisis refer to this category.

2) facing serious problems. It's when you get into some trouble and totally lose hope for future. For example, when someone close to you passes away, or when you can't reach your ambitions, or when you get fired, etc.

3) becoming weak mentally. It's when you have problems with controlling yourself. A person can't manage his emotions, anger; doesn't eat, sleep. He has to seek medical help.

Now, define your situation and take appropriate action.

Tips to snap out of depression, or just to make yourself happy:

If so serious, take a week off.
Be alone for several days, think about the solutions of your problems or whatever you call a problem (there's always a solution) and spend the rest of the days off for fixing those problems.
It's just a practical idea. I know it's not so easy. Easier said than done. But it's just a structure. Do the decoration by yourself. By the way, be creative :)

Some tips for decoration:

-write the problems on a list of paper and burn it;

-if you have a close friend, write a letter to him (even if you meet every day), write about how you feel. That helps;

-call mom, or any other relative, or old friends, know how they are living, get interested in their problems. That helps you to realize that you're not alone who has problems and that life's going on;

You know, all people get into depression, but not all of them suffer from it seriously and seek for help. They can manage it on their own. Why? Who are they? If they can, why can't I? I know, I know. Most probably, they are self-confident and self-satisfied people.
So, learn to be confident and get satisfied with who you are! Stop worrying that you're not good enough or worse than the others.

Some tips for decoration:

-develop yourself, that will lift self-confidence;

-be active, both physically and morally: go to gym or just train at home. Make plans and get to realize them immediately, don't put them off;

-go shopping. Stop being greedy for yourself and buy all the things on your what-to-buy list;

-get idle for several days: lie on your bed, watch TV, wander around the internet;

-watch movies that may lift you mood. My own recommenations are: Just like heaven, The perfect man, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Terminal, Roman holidays, Tootsie;

-listen to inspiring music. My own recommendations are: Ronan Keating - Loving each day, The Click five - Good day.

-search for encouraging quotations and enjoy reading them.

In the case of boredom, you keep feeling for a long time, just find something interesting to be engaged in. Or if you're tired of something, try to switch it to another activity for a short time at least.

Some tips for decoration:

-take a walk around the city;

-eat something sweet (a dark chocolate is the best);

-call your friend and have lunch together;

-do something funny and unusual. For example, sing out loud on the street, wear dresses of bright color;

So, "a feeling of unhappiness and lack of hope for the future" is unavoidable. I mean, time to time you get depressed. So, be ready for everything in order not to be disappointed in life totally. Be ready for the worst, but hope for the best. Never, never and never lose your hope! Life's good, wonderful, amazing! Just enjoy it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Favorite actors: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Well, no biography, no filmography, just photos and my comments on them.
I like her, because, she's pretty, charming, and of course an excellent actress. She can be different, and she can do it in an original way.

And I like her style.

Well, a good candidate to imitate!

Snapping out of depression: tips

Depression. Yeah, i know, it's very familiar word to you. Everytime you're saying, you're in depression, you want some space and blah-blah-blah. Aren't you?

If no, just quit reading this post, you're happy as it is, you don't need anything to pull you from out of depression.

If yes, then keep reading, you're gonna need some advice.

Well, here are some tips to make you happy. Now here is a question, most probably, a rhetorical one: is a depression unhappiness? Unhappiness depends on how you feel inside. If you tease yourself, think that you're a miserable, sad looser, or something (depends on your situation) you're gonna fall into depression - thus become unhappy.

Okay, I'll stop "blah-blah"ing and skip to the main point.


1. Maintain your health
2. Spend some time to rest, do not overwork
3. Do outdoor exercise regularly and appropriately
4. Love people around you. When they are happy, you will happy too.
5. Greet people with a sweet smile
6. Forget all unhappy events
7. Forgive people who hit, scold, tease, betray or cheat you
8. Care for old people, friends and relatives surround you
9. Do not demand too much from other people, but demand appropriately according to your ability
10. Do not compare with other people. Always satisfy and appreciate with whatever you are having now.
11. Enjoy your life. Do not waste your time on unnecessary worries and annoyances.
12. Do not slave yourself for money
13. Plan something easy for you to achieve in a short time
14. Spend some time to relax. Let your spiritual be in tranquility by praying to God or Buddha.
15. Recall all sweet memories that make you feel happy
16. Think positively
17. Learn something new but do not force yourself to cultivate it
18. Create something creative, attractive and interesting to fill your house
19. Joke with friends
20. Share idea and opinions with other people
21. Watch your favorite movies, cartoons, soup dramas, comedies and etc
22. Give yourself a present
23. When you feel down, do self-motivation to boost your emotion up
24. Pay a visit to orphanage, old folk homes and care for people there as they need your love
25. Be a social worker and help those who are in needs
26. Make friends with other people from the world, and enrich your knowledge with their cultures, customs and living environments
27. Stay close to the nature
28. Do not kill or harm any living lives as they are as precious as human lives

Okay, you got me, I found these tips in some website :)
But I'm gonna continue or just widen and deepen them. So, wait for the continuation.

Let's dance

Music is my life
'Cause my life is music
The beat of the drum in your heart

Let's dance
Like you mean it, can't you feel it, don't you know
Let's dance
'Cos you need it, better believe it, here we go
Let's dance
Give your all when we're coming together on the floor
Let's dance
You know that you've got what I like

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mamma Mia!

I wanted to write here something, but nothing came to my mind. So, I eventually decided to write about the movie that I watched today.
It's Mamma Mia!

A 20 year old girl's getting married in several days. She loves her mother very much. They live together.
But the problem is that she doesn't know her father. Mother never told about him.
One day the girl finds her mom's diary of 20 years ago history. She finds out that there were only 3 men in her mother's life, and she decides to invite all of them to her wedding. She thought she would recognize which of them is her mother the moment she looks at them. But things turn out to be quite complicated...

My own mark for this movie is 6 out of 10

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The perfect man

No, I'm not gonna talk about the perfect man that every single woman dreams of. I just wanna share my opinion about the movie "The perfect man".
If you look at my profile you see that it is one my favorite movies ever.

So the story tells, that there's a teenage girl, witty and pretty who keeps her heart far from affection.
It's beacause of some family problems.
Divorced from her husband, the girl's mother looks for a good man. But everytime when she thinks she's got him, he turns out to be a real jerk, and she goes away with her two kids.
So, they never stay somewhere permanently. They are practically always on the move.
But one day, the girl decides to make her desperate mom happy, by sending her flowers, letters and gifts on behalf of the perfect man who... doesn't exist.
Actually, this cynical act of her changes everything.
Finally, they stay in one place for good.
Finally, the mom finds the perfect man.
Finally, the girl opens up her heart for a big love...

Sunset on the seashore

Yeah, sunset is my passion.
I don't know, it just makes me feel relaxed. It gives very warm and familiar feelings...


Hi, everyone!
I'm back again :)
You wonder what happened with me today? Well, nothing special.
Today I got a mission from my bro. The mission is to find the following movies for his movie collection:

I, robot
The skeleton key
Cruel intentions
South Park (new season)

That's it.

Music is my life...

Love this song!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


At the moment, this picture is the best to describe my mood. Well, it means, I'm in a little sad and nostalgic mood...


I guess, now I know what to write on my blog. Well, every day, I'll enter my blog and put some picture that discribes my mood. But, the problem is that I haven't come up with any better idea to make it interesting for the other peolple to read.


To tell the truth, I've never kept a diary, which means, now I'm confused about what to write on my blog. So... Welll... Ummmm.... Ok, see ya!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hi, everyone! I' sooo glad that I have my personal site where I can write all about me, happening to me. Just happy :)