Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The perfect man

No, I'm not gonna talk about the perfect man that every single woman dreams of. I just wanna share my opinion about the movie "The perfect man".
If you look at my profile you see that it is one my favorite movies ever.

So the story tells, that there's a teenage girl, witty and pretty who keeps her heart far from affection.
It's beacause of some family problems.
Divorced from her husband, the girl's mother looks for a good man. But everytime when she thinks she's got him, he turns out to be a real jerk, and she goes away with her two kids.
So, they never stay somewhere permanently. They are practically always on the move.
But one day, the girl decides to make her desperate mom happy, by sending her flowers, letters and gifts on behalf of the perfect man who... doesn't exist.
Actually, this cynical act of her changes everything.
Finally, they stay in one place for good.
Finally, the mom finds the perfect man.
Finally, the girl opens up her heart for a big love...


  1. My rating is 7/10, I mean for the movie.

  2. Yeah, i've seen this movie recently, ummm, totally agree with your rate)
