Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snapping out of depression: continuation

The word depression is defined in Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary as "a feeling of unhappiness and lack of hope for the future".

I'm gonna be back to this definition.
Now I want to classify the depression. There are mainly 3 kinds, or stages of depression:

1) boredom. It's when you get bored of your life, don't know what to do. There's no particular problem, but you feel stressed. This kind of depression is noticed usually in teenagers and in the people who have just finished one stage of their lives. It's usually hard to get accustomed to a new lifestage. For example, from college to job stage,or from job stage to pension stage and so on. Also mid-life crisis and teenage crisis refer to this category.

2) facing serious problems. It's when you get into some trouble and totally lose hope for future. For example, when someone close to you passes away, or when you can't reach your ambitions, or when you get fired, etc.

3) becoming weak mentally. It's when you have problems with controlling yourself. A person can't manage his emotions, anger; doesn't eat, sleep. He has to seek medical help.

Now, define your situation and take appropriate action.

Tips to snap out of depression, or just to make yourself happy:

If so serious, take a week off.
Be alone for several days, think about the solutions of your problems or whatever you call a problem (there's always a solution) and spend the rest of the days off for fixing those problems.
It's just a practical idea. I know it's not so easy. Easier said than done. But it's just a structure. Do the decoration by yourself. By the way, be creative :)

Some tips for decoration:

-write the problems on a list of paper and burn it;

-if you have a close friend, write a letter to him (even if you meet every day), write about how you feel. That helps;

-call mom, or any other relative, or old friends, know how they are living, get interested in their problems. That helps you to realize that you're not alone who has problems and that life's going on;

You know, all people get into depression, but not all of them suffer from it seriously and seek for help. They can manage it on their own. Why? Who are they? If they can, why can't I? I know, I know. Most probably, they are self-confident and self-satisfied people.
So, learn to be confident and get satisfied with who you are! Stop worrying that you're not good enough or worse than the others.

Some tips for decoration:

-develop yourself, that will lift self-confidence;

-be active, both physically and morally: go to gym or just train at home. Make plans and get to realize them immediately, don't put them off;

-go shopping. Stop being greedy for yourself and buy all the things on your what-to-buy list;

-get idle for several days: lie on your bed, watch TV, wander around the internet;

-watch movies that may lift you mood. My own recommenations are: Just like heaven, The perfect man, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Terminal, Roman holidays, Tootsie;

-listen to inspiring music. My own recommendations are: Ronan Keating - Loving each day, The Click five - Good day.

-search for encouraging quotations and enjoy reading them.

In the case of boredom, you keep feeling for a long time, just find something interesting to be engaged in. Or if you're tired of something, try to switch it to another activity for a short time at least.

Some tips for decoration:

-take a walk around the city;

-eat something sweet (a dark chocolate is the best);

-call your friend and have lunch together;

-do something funny and unusual. For example, sing out loud on the street, wear dresses of bright color;

So, "a feeling of unhappiness and lack of hope for the future" is unavoidable. I mean, time to time you get depressed. So, be ready for everything in order not to be disappointed in life totally. Be ready for the worst, but hope for the best. Never, never and never lose your hope! Life's good, wonderful, amazing! Just enjoy it!


  1. Thanks for your post and tips. It's really useful. Good Luck!!!

  2. Thank you for the info,

    But in my opinion, these tips' effect is temporary... You can not convince yourself everytime, remembering them, and telling it will be ok and etc. At this point, they may only have a vague idea of the kind of depression they would (or we would) need to fight against.

    Just do not emhasize depression itself. It will be ok then ))

  3. Hey, thanks for the comment!
    Yeah, maybe you're right in some case. But, remember, the depression itself is temporary, it's just some kind of bridge, or small period that links bigger and more important parts of your life.
    And at that times, you just need some support, or stimulus to push you. Those tips are for that kind of depression :)
    But I'm kinda interested in your case, where the depression is permanent, lol
